Summer Survival kit in Marbella.
1) Sunglasses
At any time of the day in Marbella, sunglasses are absolutely essential – let’s be honest, the sun sets here quite late in the summer, and who knows what time you will return home?! A good night in Marbella means that you will be watching the sunrise, so having reliable reybans on hand will be your salvation!
2) Paracetamol and rehydrating agents.
Even the coldest summer night out on the terrace with friends and family can cause you to lose track of how many glasses, sorry, bottles of wine you’ve drunk! When the temperature is around 40 degrees and you’ve had a drink the night before, it’s important to rehydrate and give your body a helping hand!
3) High-Quality Sunscreen
In Marbella, there are 320 sunny days a year, and in the summer months the temperature can reach 40 degrees. In my years on the Costa del Sol, I have seen too many tourists whose attempts to “sunbathe” with something that is nothing more than baby cream lead to serious consequences! So make sure you take precautions for your skin and don’t come home looking like a lobster!
4) Swimsuits
In Marbella, there is no better way to escape the heat than to freshen up, so always keep a swimsuit with you, as you never know when you will get the opportunity!
5) Phone charger, adapter and power supply
There are no power outlets on the beach, so charge up before you go out!
6) At least one pair of flat shoes
This is more of a tip for the ladies. Even though here in Marbella, of course, all the ladies go out in Jimmy Choo heels and Louboutins, at least one pair of flat shoes or flip-flops will be a saving grace when that pair of killer heels suddenly becomes, well, a killer!!
Oh, and don’t forget to bring your toothbrush! And we will help you buy your dream home!